GSM: +420 777 882 645 |

Pricelist of accommodation Černý Důl

Contact us on telephone number: 420 777 886 046, e-mail or via contact form below our website. Request information if your selected term is free and we will contact you as soon as possible. After confirming your selected term you will be requested to pay the deposit of 50 % of the price. When transaction is successful you can fully enjoy your holiday.

Terms Price
Winter 2. 1. - 25. 3. 2 700 Kč (105 )
Summer 10. 6. - 30. 9. 1 600 Kč (58 €)
Spring, Autumn  26. 3. - 9. 6. a 1. 10. - 17. 12. 1 200 Kč (50 €)
Silvestr 18. 12. - 1. 1. 3 300 Kč (134 €)

Prices are for the whole apartment per night. The price is final including energy and taxes. Dogs or any other pets is allowed after agreement for additional charge of 100 Kč/night. For accommodation for 3 or less nights, there is extra charge of 25 % of the price. Arrival is possible from 13 o’clock and you are expected to leave the apartment at the end of your stay till 10 o’clock.

Changing the date of your term or the length of term of your stay is possible after agreement.

Cancelling: If you will cancel your reservation at least 30 days before the date of coming, you will not be charged at all (if you already paid the deposit, it will be fully returned on your account number). If you will cancel your reservation or change the date of your stay in less than 30 days before the date of coming or you will not come at all, you will be charged 50 % of the price of the whole accommodation term reservation.

Apartment Černý Důl

Ing. Martin Carda

Phone: +420 777 882 645


Address: Černý Důl 65, 543 44 Černý Důl

GPS: 50.635012N,15.708507E

Account number: 1249264022 / 3030

Term demand